I like this name very much. Thank you for finally giving a good label to what we want to achieve, and laying out some good principles for it. I wish to hear more about this fellowship.

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Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock;

— Acts 20:28-29

Over the last 2000 years we learned to conquer pagan nations. We have not learned how to conquer the wolves that attack from within. They steal our institutions. We build new ones and they steal them too. We need to fear God, not man. It is war, a civil war. The worst kind of war. We need to know God’s standards and stop thinking these enemies of our Lord set the standards. We need to purge them from our ranks instead of letting them purge us. They will call it sinful. We must know better.

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Wonderful, it is so nice to see a positive decidedly masculine fellowship taking place. From the perspective of the feminine I truly hope this takes root, to see men in their ancient and powerful role as protectors gives me hope.

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After Jesus' first touch the bllnd man in Mark 8 saw "men like trees walking." After the second touch he saw "everything clearly." Could that momentary phase have been seeing transcendent truth beyond the senses?

I have felt that friends walking through the valley with me or sitting with me in sorrowful times were like the tree of life or the balm of Gilead to minister healing to my soul.

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Thanks for this. 👍🏽

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Why expressly Protestant?

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