May 23Liked by J.M. Robinson

Wow! Insightful and well said. The flood we’re facing now is nothing new. Our sins, as in Noah’s day, are always waiting to drown us. But the question is if we will use God’s gifts to glorify him or make ourselves gods. Do we use the hammer to build an ark or a tower toward heaven? To what purpose we fashion the world we are stewarding makes all the difference.

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May 24Liked by J.M. Robinson

Josh this is so good. As a high school pastor with (soon to be 3) kids, I feel this one deeply. Thanks for voicing what many of us are feeling and seeking the Lord's wisdom on!

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“What’s real and what’s fake” — in the first song of the stanza. Look at the COD Black Ops 6 in its promo mantra states: “The Truth Lies” and “Nothing is as what it seems.”


On MW3, in the description for Black Ops 6 it talks about how you won’t know what’s real and what’s fake. This post reminded me of that. And it’s weird lol

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Something something, Tolkien and industrialism, blah blah 😅😅 No, certainly this all flows naturally and enrichingly out of the pure waters of Rivendell. I wonder, does Jacques Ellul occupy any element of your thought on our “technical society”?

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